
Showing posts from October, 2023

1. Meaning, Scope and development of Anthropology.

 Sure! Here's an overview of the meaning, scope, and development of Anthropology: Meaning: Anthropology is the study of human beings, their behavior, cultures, societies, and their physical and social development over time. It seeks to understand the diversity and commonalities of human experiences across different societies and historical periods. Anthropology uses a holistic approach, combining social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities to comprehensively study human existence. Scope: Anthropology encompasses several subfields, each focusing on different aspects of human life: Cultural Anthropology: This subfield studies the beliefs, customs, social practices, and cultural variations of different societies. It explores topics such as kinship, religion, language, gender, and economic systems. Physical (Biological) Anthropology: Physical anthropology examines human biological evolution, genetics, primatology, and the variations in human physical traits. It investigates the b